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The Police Accountability Board Alliance is a coalition of over 50 community organizations united to hold the police accountable in Rochester. The Alliance brings a diversity of perspectives and expertise to the shared struggle for police accountability. The City fails to hold police accountable largely because of the lack of community control over the police oversight system. The Alliance strives to change this paradigm by giving the community the power to review police misconduct and discipline officers.

One major function of the Alliance is to lead the campaign for establishing a Police Accountability Board (PAB). The Alliance has used public forums and demonstrations to increase public awareness. Police accountability is popular in Rochester and it is the mission of the Alliance to empower the community to move the PAB forward. Ultimately it is up to City Council to pass the PAB with 5 essential pillars

In addition to the five pillars, sufficient funding is required so that complaints of misconduct are resolved efficiently and effectively in 90 days. To handle the volume of complaints that are filed in Rochester, the PAB will require a funding equal to 1% of RPD’s budget, one million dollars, a reasonable cost of true accountability, and an investment which will result in far fewer costly lawsuits against the city involving excessive force.

The bylaws for the PAB Alliance, which includes information about functions and procedures of the Alliance, can be found here.

If you or an organization are interested in joining the PAB Alliance, please contact us and fill out this application: PAB Alliance application

To support or join the Alliance, please contact us here: